A Guide To Mental Health

A Guide To Mental Health

Mental health is emotional, social and psychological wellbeing. How we think, act and feel depends on our mental health. It is as important to be mentally fit as it is to be physically fit.

Biological factors like genes or the chemicals in brain are a few factors that contribute to mental illness. Some adverse experiences in life like abuse and trauma can also be reasons for mental health problems. How we think and act is affected by mental health.

Mental illnesses are rarely spoken about

With proper treatment mental health problems can be overcome. There are a few warning signs that we need to look out for when trying to analyze a mental illness. Some of the common traits of someone who is facing mental health problems are social anxiety, helplessness and hopelessness severe mood swings. All these play havoc in relationships too. These are specific to mental health problems like schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety etc.

People who are mentally healthy on the other hand have contentment in life, the ability to have fun and most importantly the ability to deal with stress. All these are important to have fulfilling relationships in life. Resilience is a quality that hells in being positive in life and being full of hope. It keeps you from feeling dejected in life.

The body and the mind are linked

We ignore emotional messages that something is wrong and bottle up our problems and hope everything will resolve on its own. Most of us are reluctant to address our mental illness. Doing so is half the battle won. It is important that we accept that there is a problem, ways to resolve it will follow. When we look out for help there are a lot of treatment options like medication and therapy.

When seeking therapy the key is to find someone who can be a good listener who will listen to you without judging or criticizing you. You must confide in your therapist from Cranbourne medical centre to benefit from it. You can join various groups suffering from similar illnesses. These groups will help you overcome your illness by being more open minded and learning from others experiences.

Regular exercise and staying physically active, playing a sport will always have a positive impact on your mental health. Stress takes a toll on your mental and emotional health so it is important we learn to deal with it. Take up relaxation techniques to relieve stress like yoga and mindfulness, meditation and deep breathing. Switch to a healthy diet. It will help you look and feel your best.

Finally, when things go out of control, intensive outpatient care and partial hospitalization are all options to look out for. When in doubt seek help of your family doctor to find a psychiatrist who can help you deal with extreme situations.

When physical health is taken care of you can surely see its impact on the mental and emotional health.

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