When is it time to seek obgyn services? Symptoms to look out for


Most women go for the annual OBGYN check, but apart from that, some may not know when to seek such services. Below, we outline the several indicators or symptoms that tell you it is time to seek OBGYN services.

When expectant

Regular and proper OB/GYN monitoring of the pregnancy is essential in development and as the due date comes closer. Though the last few weeks are sensitive and demanding, most of the work has already been accomplished at the start of your pregnancy.

When is the best time for the mother-to-be to seek OBGYN Services? Five weeks following the start of your most recent menstrual cycle is the ideal time frame for the first session. It is the perfect time to start many dietary and wellness treatments.

Abnormal vaginal bleeding

Sometimes minimal bleeding from the vagina is normal. The initiation of a new birth control method may be associated with vagina bleeding, and you also might experience it during the onset of your menopause. On the other hand, if you are not using any means of controlling pregnancy and you begin to bleed between your menstrual periods, that could be an alarming condition. It could be an infection and sometimes show malignancy, so it is advised to seek OBGYN services in such a case. Moreover, it is dangerous during pregnancy as one may have experienced a miscarriage. It is best to see your OBGYN in situations like this.

You have an unbearable period.

As one might expect, some women develop considerably more painful periods than most others. For that matter, some are barely able to get off the floor when they have their cramping. Seek OBGYN services if any of these describe you. Perhaps you’ll find out that it’s caused by a fibroid that requires treatment, or maybe it’s your heavy menstruation.

Pelvic discomfort

The pain in the pelvis could be some medical problem. It might be an indication of pelvic inflammatory diseases, ovarian cysts, or endometriosis. Sometimes, one may experience some discomfort in the pelvis, but that is not severe. Chronic pelvic pain that leads to interference with your daily functioning and sexual activity is a cause for alarm.

Incontinence of urine

Urinary incontinence is the most prevalent symptom of PFD. It occurs as little seepage of urine whenever you sneeze. PFD results from weak pelvic floor muscles from low levels of estrogen in older women. Generally, a woman uses several contractions to start and stop the urine’s flow, but it becomes difficult to coordinate with PFD.

Painful sexual intercourse.

Painful sex is reason number four for a doctor’s visit. Though ‘sex’ and ‘some pain’ can be in the same sentence, extraordinary or unexpected pain surely signals big-time trouble. Consider burst cysts, fibroids, and STDs. If there has always been some discomfort, you might want to try increasing your foreplay practice, applying lubricants, or shifting positions. Any sudden, severe, or new reproductive pain does require a trip to the OBGYN.

The take a way

Be keen on any reproductive health changes, and promptly get OBGYN services every time you observe something out of the ordinary.

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